Saturday, October 2, 2010

Love Is A Lost Art

Okay hey how we all doing? The age old question is still up in question where is the love? Nowadays most people in America only are out for themselves which means why day they can be right there by your side then the next day they appear to not even exist. Which mean they probably aren't there for you but more so for what you can do for them. I don't believe in that philosophy I have had many people come and go in my life already so I tend to be quite skeptical when letting people into my circle. Once I build a trust in a person I'll be there for them no matter what when your up I'm there And when your down in the dumps I'm there.I also support a lot of indie artist as well if you send me music I will listen and If I like I'll support it. Sometimes you have to give love to receive it it's not gone always just come to you and you should never expect it to it's just like respect alot of times you have to earn it before you receive it. Alot of people have it messed up they expect love to just be given to them well life doesn't work like that. You have to build relationships with people first before they can even think about giving there love to you this isn't just with lovers it's also rings true for friendships,business relationships,and even social networking the key is always to build relationships. Just my thoughts though!

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