Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Loved Those Who Love You

As we all know in a few days Christmas will be here which means a lot of us will be spending time with loved ones and family right? We should all take a second and look at those around us and appreciate them for being there for us. Because as life goes we lose a lot of loved ones for various reasons or another. You all may fight with them but that's expected in life but with every fight comes lessons you have to learn. That person u see this year during the holidays may not be there during next years festivities so while u can love them. We the opportunity presents its self give them a hug a  kiss on the cheek or whatever just to let them know they are appreciated by someone most of the time that's all a lot of people look for is that sense of knowing some cares about them. I have become a person who has learned that hating someone is something i just cant do. I always forgive people who have wronged me I don't know why I'm like that but I am. So to those of you who think i hold something against you just know that I don't. I embrace all and I'm a firm believer in second chances. Ill leave you all with this in the words of Jay-Z "In order to survive you gotta learn to live with regrets " that line has no relevance to this topic i just like that line LOL!

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