Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 20 Projects of 2012

Now people this is solely my opinion on the top projects that I have heard from this past year. Now if you take into account that I am only one man and I don't have a staff it's damn near impossible to hear everything so if I haven't heard it maybe I just missed it.I'm not going to add anything that was released in December those will go on next years list simply because I didn't really get a chance to listen to those thoroughly. Welp here goes nothing in no particular order:

20. Benjamin Starr - Guns & Roses - This South Carolina MC isn't your ordinary down south MC Benn Starr has a lot of depth to his lyrics and a very well developed flow. I have been listening to him for about 2 years now and this project defintely deserves a listen
Download Here: Guns & Roses
19. Tia London - The  Overdose - With Tia being signed to The Legendary Traxster here backdrops will always be dope but with her single Drunk she started a party.Her sultry voice caught by surprise back in 2011 when she dropped Love Junkie which to me was a tad bit better overall project but The Overdose comes with a different feel as she added the pop genre to her repertoire.
Download Here: The Overdose 
18. Spud - Pay Attention - I was first introduced to Spud via a video I seen on youtube which featured FA The Squad members and one other artist then I checked out his Spaces Between mixtape which I was feeling and It think that was back in 2011 I want to say. This year Spud got back on his grind releasing 3 visuals for Pay Attention and performing all over the Chi.With his cool laid back flow and elusive word play Spud is making sure you have something to Pay Attention to.
Download Here: Pay Attention
17. TreStyle - Dark Days Bright Nights - Okay now I wasn't too familiar with Tre as a solo artist because I was introduced to him as part of the trio which consist of him The Boy Illinois, and Rel. So I was kinda of skeptical of him by himself on a whole project but needless to say he held is on by his lonesome.When I heard Iron I was blown away by the way he handled that tricky beat and also I rocked with that What You Sippin with Spud Cotton.
Download Here: Dark Days Bright Nights
16. Meek Mill - Dreamchasers 2 - I wasn't to happy with his album but his mixtape had me turnt up for a minute after it's release. Apparently I wasn't the only one riding the Meek Mill wave because apparently the mixtape had 3 millions + downloads(not sure how true that is). Meek rode the tape right through 2012 making a name for himself as he carved out his niche.
Download Here: Dreamchasers 2 
15. Krystale - The Good Fight - Now I don't normally get R&B music in the good ol trusty email but when I received Krystale's EP I was honestly blown away. Her talent is far beyond where you would think an unsigned artist should be at. Her EP is only 6 songs long but it's a EP filled with blissfully, illustrious,soul music.
Download Here: The Good Fight
14. Jeremih - Late Nights With Jeremih - Being one of the more popular artist in Chicago Jeremih has put on for the city for the most part. He had a hit single with his Go To The Mo track produced by my homies The Fr3shmen. Not to mention the video was spectacular if you haven't seen go Google it now.
Download Here: Late Night With Jeremih 
13.Vic Spencer - Walk Away Music - Vic Spencer is one of the biggest characters on the mic. I'm not saying that in a bad way but when he raps he is very animated and his voice is a very distinct one and when he brings in all the heavy hitter producers in Chicago together on this mixtape it turned out some very awesome material. Also he released another tape with producer Ikaz which I haven't checked out yet.
Download Here: Walk Away Music Download Here: Spence Ethic
12. Kay Cola - Seven - In 2012 she was kinda quite then boom out came here EP Seven. I love me some Kay Cola she is very reminiscent of Jhene Aiko. Here EP has some dope tracks such as 6Tnine and Two make sure you go check here out.
Download Here: Seven 
11. Ab-Soul - Control System - Now I said earlier that this wasn't in any particular order because this would be way higher if that was the case. Ab-Soul is one the most slept artist in the game actually he has the type of rapper that makes want to rebel against the system. He can also make you want to cry as he expresses his emotions about his deceased labelmate Alori Joh on The Book Of Soul. He is defeintely one to look out for in the near future.
Purchase Here: Control System
10. The Game - Jesus Piece - I'm not gone lie after his second album I pretty much gave up on The Game well I stopped caring about his music but he won me back over with this album. Yeah I know he jacked a few flows on here but the man can still rap. I definitely ride to this album playing on the iPod.
Purchase Here: Jesus Piece
9. Elle Verner - Coversational Lush - Well she isn't married so I still have a chance lol. Naw but seriously Elle is a great musician and I actually liked her mixtape more than here album but her album wasn't bad.Conversational Lush had the funny WTF and it also has the So Fly track which Keshia just loves LOL
Download Here: Conversational Lush
8.Dom Kennedy - Yellow Album - I wasn't really a fan of Dom Kennedy until I downloaded this mixtape and heard all the pimp lines and slick talking. Then I was like Dom is pretty dope especially on the Gold Alpinas track that's my top pick from the tape.If you like slick lines and cool easy laid back listening Dom is right up your alley.
Download Here: Yellow Album 
7. Kids These Days - Traphouse Rock - I have always been a fan of Vic Mensa but this group that have been all over the place from Adidas commercials to performing in Denver and everywhere else. They Rocked the stage at Lalapalooza and I am sure they will be all over SXSW this coming year they have really made a name for themselves in 2012 and then they dropped Traphouse Rock which is just music to my ears you gotta love the kids.
Download Here: Traphouse Rock 
6. Pavy - M.C.I. / Theory Of Defiance - I Still remember getting my first video from Pavy almost 2 1/2 years ago it was for a track off the Book Of Pavy when he was Pavy the Prophet. Ever since then I have been rocking with the lil homie. 2012 was a huge year for him which started with Middle Class Ignorance which got him some momentum then he just popped with the release of Theory Of Defiance I personally like M.C.I. better but I can't deny the lyrical ability he showed on T.O.D. and the growth in his music with the live instruments and everything. I personally can't wait to see what he does in 2013. 
Download Here: Middle Class Ignorance  Download Here: Theory Of Defiance: 
5. Mikkey Halsted - Castro - Mikkey Halsted signed to the same label as Tia London which are both under the guidance of The Legendary Traxster so that's always a positive. Mikkey actual went off on this album probably one of the best albums to come out all year can't say it's too many I like better he kinda took a dip with the release Of MMM Season i didn't care for it but Castro more than made up for it.
Download Here:Castro 
4. The Boy Illinois - The Memoirs Of Gilbert Gaston - Mannnn look The Boy Illinois is that dude. He been putting in work for a long while he has like 5 projects out and I am pretty sure there is more on the way. The Memoirs Of Gilbert Gaston is the latest addition to his musically catalogue I believe Inhale IV was a bit better but MOGG was still one of the best projects of 2012. 
3. Chance The Rapper - 10 Day - Now Chance the Rapper was suspended from Jones College Prep and delivered one of the biggest projects of 2012. I don't dick ride at all cause half the people on this list won't see this anyway but Chances album was really a piece of art. He is definitely one of the biggest characters on the mic and this being his first project it's garnered him so much success this year i can only see him going up from here. 
Download Here: 10 Day
2. Add-2 - Save.Our.Souls - Now Add-2 is one of the best lyricist and with LRG backing I can only see big things for this budding MC. His mixtape Save.Our.Souls had some of the best tracks I have heard in very long time my favorite being Watermelon,Losing Me and Love Jones then it also had the controversial records Modern Day Coons and  Cotton Fields which blew me away. Save.Our.Souls was definitely a project that could be considered as some classic material.
Download Here: Save.Our.Souls
1. Kendrick Lamar - good kid m.A.A.d city - This goes without saying Kendrick Lamar set the bar for MC's with this album. It shows you can rap about something and still be important in this game we call rap. He had no radio singles really and he still sold over 500,000 units. I wouldn't mind if he ran the game for years to come. 

Honorable Mentions:

D.Son - SummerTimeChi:Reloade - D.Son has been putting in work this year and the kid definitely has drive and only strives to be the best.
Download Here: Summertimechi: Reloaded

Rockie Fresh - Driving 88 - Rockie Fresh probably had the biggest year of any Chicago artist he blew up in 2011 and 2012 dropped Driving 88 and landed a deal with Rick Ross and MMG.
Download Here: Driving  88
Angel Haze - Classick - Angel Haze is the best female MC hands down no one is touching here.
Download Here: Classick
Devine Carama - It Was Rewritten - Devine got busy in 2012 he released 2 projects the latter being his tribute to his favorite MC Nassir Jones. Devine remade It Was Written by Nas and added his own twist to it.
Download Here: It Was Rewritten
Omen - A Glorious Cool - The Dreamville associate reworked some of J Dilla's infamous beats as a homage to the legendary producer.
Download Here: A Glorious Cool

Miguel - Kaleidoscope Dream - Miguel killed on this album that's all I have to say.
Purchase Here: Kaleidoscope Dream

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