Friday, September 9, 2011

My thoughts on J.Cole being dropped from Roc Nation

So I am sure all of you have heard by now that apparently J.Cole and Rihanna have a sex tape that leaked out which really wouldn't be a leak if it got out more like a publicly stunt but the release of the tape apparently enraged Jay-Z and then he dropped him from Roc Nation. It allegedly pissed him so much that he wanted to harm Cole physically and he didnt attend an album listening party. To me it sounds like a bunch of bullshit for one if they did have a sextape why is it just now getting out 2 weeks away from his album release date then if he was gone drop him from Roc Nation why would they wait til after his album comes out to officially announce it. I do not believe this story not one bit where is someone who has seen the tape cause I wont to see. Some people just believe everything they read on the internet i have to have proof before I believe it!

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