Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fear and Lies!

I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence fear is such a weak emotion that's why i despise it we scared of almost everything we scared to even tell the truth so scared of what you think of me I'm scared to even telling you sometimes i feel I'm like the only person i feel safe to tell it to I'm locked inside a cell in me i know that there's a jail in you consider this your bailing out so take a breathe inhale if you my screams is finally getting free my thought are finally yelling through - Lupe Fiasco

I believe a lot of people tell lies and fabricate stories simple because they are scared to be judge on their reality. When honestly people people can see through the lies and the judgement they cast is now bad because not only are they looking at your reality but now they judging the lie u put together. Honesty is always the best policy just be straight and up front with people. If you broke you broke don't claim u balling out of control. So people say you can be to honest I don't believe so because the more honest you are with some one the more they will respect your opinion. Also one thing that irks me is when i see someone being mistreated and them not stand up for themselves that is a pet peeve of mine. The freedom of speech has taken a back seat to fear amongst a lot of people and when they get taking advantage of they get pissed of sometimes you have to speak your mind and let people know where you stand so they wont believe you are a push over. Words are the most Powerful weapon we as people have when used in the right way they cant break barriers but if they are trapped in your thoughts then they are about as useful as a car with no gas!

By Joe Flowers

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